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After a Tragic Accident, Mercy Davis (Amanda Denney) is Forced to Move Back Into Her Childhood Home.  Soon, Memories and Past Traumas Begin to Resurface,  Threatening Mercy's Already Fragile Mental State.  As Things Begin to Spiral Out of Control the Lines Between Reality and Illusion  Start To Blur, Mercy's Friend Makenzie (Lili Denney) Struggles to Help Her, Before it's Too Late. This Psychological Horror Film From Writer-Director Nikk Bergman and Assistant Director Rozz Ohlin, Dives Deep Into Mental Health, Grief, Trauma, and  The Consequences of Our Actions. Bad Things Happen Here is the Second Feature Film From Wendigoh Pictures Starring Amanda Denney, Lili Denney, Chad Stadler, Lucas Winter, Mikayla Erikson, Tianna Spears, Drew Robinson, Emily Peters, Nicole King, Sam Lupo, Timothy Curtis,  Danica Markey, October Ungurean-McGrath and Stella Luna.



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